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Convention human rights art6 determination civil rights. I identify myselves as human = no citizin= no civil law = inalienable right to FREEDOM= no consent to covid. NO right without consent ! EVRM art 6: vaststelling burgerlijke rechten. Ik identificeer mezelf als mens = geen burger = geen civil recht = onvervreemdbaar recht op vrijheid = Ik stem niet in met covid. Geen recht zonder toestemming www.levende-gemeenschap.site




Convention human rights art6 determination civil rights. I identify myselves as human = no citizin= no civil law = inalienable right to FREEDOM= no consent to covid. NO right without consent ! Convención derechos humanos art6 determinación derechos civiles. Me identifico como humano = no ciudadano= no derecho civil = derecho inalienable a la LIBERTAD= no consentimiento a la covid. ¡NO hay derecho sin consentimiento!





Convention droits de l’homme art6 détermination droits civils. Je m’identifie comme humain = pas de citoyen= pas de droit civil = droit inaliénable à la LIBERTÉ= pas de consentement au covid. PAS de droit sans consentement !Convention human rights art6 determination civil rights. I identify myselves as human = no citizin= no civil law = inalienable right to FREEDOM= no consent to covid. NO right without consent ! www.levende-gemeenschap.site




Menschenrechtskonvention Art6 Bestimmung Bürgerrechte. Ich identifiziere mich als Mensch = keine Staatsbürgerschaft= kein Bürgerrecht = unveräußerliches Recht auf FREIHEIT= keine Einwilligung in die Konvention. KEIN Recht ohne Zustimmung ! I identify myselves as human = no citizin= no civil law = inalienable right to FREEDOM= no consent to covid. NO right without consent ! www.levende-gemeenschap.site





Convenzione diritti umani art6 determinazione diritti civili. Mi identifico come umano = no citizin= no diritto civile = diritto inalienabile alla LIBERTA’ = no consenso al covid. Nessun diritto senza consenso! I identify myselves as human = no citizin= no civil law = inalienable right to FREEDOM= no consent to covid. NO right without consent ! www.levende-gemeenschap.site